Our Mission Statement
The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision Statement
Sharing God's love through words and actions.
Core values
We believe truth is found in scripture and gives meaning, joy and love to life.
We believe prayer is our fundamental expression of worship and dependence on God.
We believe loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life.
We believe worship is the core expression of our Faith
Christ Centeredness
We believe in Christ centered living and constantly seek God's will to the center of all our ministries.
We believe we are accountable to one another in our faith journey.
We believe that giving of ourselves, our gifts and our money is a fundamental part of faith.
Caring Ministries
We believe that through caring ministries we touch the lives of others with the love of Jesus Christ.
Christian Education
We believe Christian education is continual learning and a catalyst for transformation of the body of Christ.